Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Third Roommate Named Rachel

My freshman year of college I was assigned to live with a fun-Texan named Rachel. She was a sophomore and we lived together for two years. My junior year my newly-acquired best friend and I decided to live together, her name was also Rachel. Recently I made a new friend... in Bolivar! Who would have seen that one coming? She is fun, peppy, spontaneous, at my life point and a strong Christian. God is AWESOME! Both of us have been praying for a roommate, and BAM! God introduced us. :) Therefore, I will have my third roommate with the lovely name Rachel.

"New Rachel" and I spent our Sunday afternoon shopping for a house/duplex to rent. Oh man! Abode hunting is no joke! We had one scheduled visit to a duplex, it was absolutely fantastic... other than the smoke smell. YUCK! Although the lingering scent of cancer sticks was looming in the air, I really did like the set-up and storage. Therefore, proactive Pam is going to call the landlord tomorrow to see if he would pay for paint if New Rachel and I painted the place. We'll see how that goes.

After viewing that duplex, we cruised the streets of Bolivar hoping to find an amazing living space for rent. This did not happen. All we found were two places that would cost nearly one thousand dollars to live in... a MONTH! Ugh. A mortgage payment would be much less. However, I should probably pick a city and full-time job before I commit to a house.

So to sum this post up, God is awesome. I have a new roommate who I call "New Rachel." And.. if you want to rent a duplex or house to New Rachel and me, let us know! haha

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